
Serica used shared and existing infrastructure to reduce the environmental impact of Columbus
BLOCK 23/16f and 23/21a (part)
Serica 75% (operator), Waldorf Production 25%
The Columbus Development is located in the UK Central North Sea and produces from a gas-condensate reservoir in the Forties Sandstone Formation. The development consists of a single horizontal well which runs along the central axis of the reservoir, drilled in the spring of 2021, and production commenced in November 2021. Average production from the well was 1,800 boe/d net to Serica’s 75% interest for the half year 2024 (on a proforma basis).
The Columbus well is connected to the Arran export pipeline through which Columbus production is exported along with Arran Field production. When production reaches the Shearwater platform, it is separated into gas and condensate. The gas is exported to St Fergus via the SEGAL line and the condensate to Cruden Bay via the Forties Pipeline System.

Columbus development via Shearwater